Refund Policy | Please do your homework first
We give excitedly all of our passion to our traders and offer very in-depth information so traders are not caught off-guard and know exactly what they are purchasing BEFORE they sign up with us. Therefore, all sales are final.
Please make sure you have practiced your strategy in SIM first and also please check the subscription fees at before you purchase as there are no refunds once a trader has signed up and paid for a subscription. As well, there are NO refunds for trader resets.
By signing up with Leeloo™, you understand and agree that there are No Refunds. Furthermore, a trader cannot use the data and then request a refund.
By purchasing a subscription, you understand that Leeloo™ does not control or create the data and does not control the amount of data that will be provided to you. Leeloo™ does not represent that the data will be correct or useful or timely for any particular purpose. Leeloo™ does not represent that the use of Rithmic or any software you use will be error-free. In a case-by-case review, where we permit a refund, there would be a 15% charge fee. Example: The total refund amount is $100 with a Admin fee of 15% the actual refund amount is $85.00. This would be a fee of $15 in this case. This fee is to cover our costs for the transactions and admin time. (Only if Refund is approved) (Traders with an account traded, or able to log in and use data even without a traded evaluation, practice account, Performance account, is NOT eligible for a REFUND.)
This service is offered in good faith and kindness to our traders.
Platform Failure
Make sure to Test Your Platform first! Leeloo™ is not responsible for platform failures