Making Sense of LOGIN Credentials

There are TWO sets of LOGIN Credentials.

1. Leeloo Membership Username/ Password for account management access
2. Rithmic User ID/ Password for R|Trader & Trading  Platform connection, i.e. LL000907

*Account Number, i.e. LL000907-003. It will be your Rithmic User ID plus a suffix.

Please include in ALL support emails

Leeloo  Membership Username:

This is the username and password that YOU chose and created. Usually at the same time you purchased your first product from Leeloo, but not necessarily. You may have registered but purchased at a later date. This is ONLY used to manage your products and purchases and Leeloo membership information. These are NOT the login credentials you use to connect to Rithmic Trader or your Trading Platform (Those are auto generated and sent in a separate "Welcome" email when you make a purchase).

(Only used to manage your Leeloo  Membership Information)

Rithmic User ID:  
When you purchase a practice account, a Rithmic User ID will be generated for you and sent via email, i.e. LL000907. It begins with "LL" and they are the ONLY letters. The rest are numbers (zeros NOT the letter "O").   You will use this username and password to log into R|Trader and also to create your connection with your trading platform. You need to save this email and/or write down this password. This password will remain the same for any future accounts you purchase and Leeloo keeps no accessible record of passwords. Each month when your account subscription auto renews OR if you have purchased a completely new account, you will receive an email with the same Rithmic User ID reminder but the password will not be included. Continue to always keep using the same initial Rithmic password you have written down or saved (continued important reading following photo).

Most of the time, your customer service related inquires will be in reference to your Rithmic trading account. You may have had old accounts or multiple accounts, so we need the specific account name when you contact us for support.  
Please include:
Your name : John Testing
Your Email Address: (that you used to register with Leeloo)
Your Rithmic User ID : LL001702
Your Rithmic Account Number : LL001702-003
The Trader Dashboard in R|Trader Pro titles this information in a confusing way. You can identify the information we need as pictured :


Article ID: 34, Created: 07/10/2020 at 07:57, Modified: 01/06/2021 at 19:13
sofiane berkani (11/11/2021 at 12:35 PM)
It doesn't specify which username to use for data feed when funded
Christopher Faron (12/12/2021 at 3:46 PM)
pasame passord de la cuenta e login
said amjahed (8/5/2022 at 3:22 PM)