1. Warning: Limit Up/Limit Down/Erratic Markets

Warning: Trading during erratic movements and periods of high volatility is risky and not recommended.

  • Trading during erratic movements and periods of high volatility is risky. Data feeds and software platforms are subject to lag and error.  Leeloo™ cannot take responsibility for software performance failure, lag, glitches, and of course our trader’s hardware or internet mishaps.
  • Limit UP/Down or Markets halted - DO NOT trade these times with your Leeloo™ accounts. Be mindful of volatile days.

Warning: Do NOT engage in any trading activity with money you cannot afford to lose. Day trading can be extremely risky and offers no guarantee for success. You should not fund day-trading activities with retirement savings, student loans, second mortgages, emergency funds, funds set aside for purposes such as education or home ownership, or funds required to meet your living expenses. 

If you engage in day trading activities, set a budget and do not spend beyond your set budget.