When you sign the user documents with Rithmic, make sure to choose the correct option (Professional or Non-professional).
You will not be able to change the personal name on your account to another personal name or switch your professional or non-professional status after you register. If you plan to add a business name to your Leeloo membership, continue reading for instruction.
NOTE! Professional traders pay their own separate data fees when trading in an account.
- Please ensure you choose the right option. A Professional trader pays for all of their own data fees in ADDITION to the monthly subscription fees.
- Carefully review the Rithmic Market Data Certification information below to determine your status.
Can I register my account through my business entity?
Yes, you can, but be aware you may qualify as a Professional and incur additional data fees. Carefully review the criteria (below) and consult your professional advisors. Due to this possibility, and the fact that you cannot change your status later, your decision to register as a business needs to be made up front.
Two Step Process to Add a Business Name:
- Sign up with your legal first and last name (the form only allows for a first and last name) and address.
- Promptly after completing your first purchase (DO NOT TRADE THE ACCOUNT), log in with your new Rithmic ID and send us a ticket. (PLEASE DO NOT TRADE THE PRACTICE ACCOUNT PRIOR TO HEARING FROM US TO CONFIRM WE ADDED YOUR BUSINESS NAME TO YOUR ACCOUNT) Let us know you want to add the name of your business entity. In the message include your Rithmic ID and the name of the business. You are permitted to add a business name, but not your professional or non-professional status. It is not necessary to update the address.
- We CAN ONLY add an LLC to an account with NO traded accounts or Performance Accounts PAs. If you recently qualified for a Performance Account, you can not add an LLC.

NON-PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIBER. You are confirming to Rithmic that you are either (i) an individual, natural person subscriber who, or (ii) certain small business entities (limited liability companies, partnerships, trusts or corporations) that, will receive and use the Market Data (excluding any pit traded data), in each case subject to the following restrictions:
- You must have an active futures trading account in the event you are receiving futures Market Data;
- You must not be a member (or hold or lease any type membership) of any Exchange;
- You do not have a primary business purpose that involves trading;
- You are not registered or qualified as a professional trader or investment adviser with any stock, commodities or futures exchange or contract market, or with any regulatory authority, professional association or recognized professional body; and
- You are not affiliated with any entity that is or may be considered a Professional User; and
- Your use of the Market Data will be solely for your personal, non-business use;
- Your use of the Market Data will be limited to managing your own property and, for the avoidance of doubt, not in connection with the management of any property of any third party(ies) in any capacity, whether as a principal, officer, partner, employee or agent of any business or on behalf of any other individual, and whether or not the Subscriber receives any remuneration therefor; and
- You are not acting on behalf of an institution that engages in brokerage, banking, investment, or financial activities; and
- You have no more than two (2) means for accessing the Market Data from Rithmic; and
- You shall view the Market Data only on a device that is capable of routing orders to the Exchanges from which the Market Data originated.
PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIBER. You or your business entity do not meet the qualifications of a Non-Professional Subscriber set forth above or that you or your business entity falls under any of the categories of Professional described below:
- You or your business entity provides financial or similar services to any third party.
- You or your business entity are registered or qualified as a professional trader or investment adviser with any stock, commodities or futures exchange or contract market, or with any regulatory authority, professional association or recognized professional body.
- You or your business entity acts on behalf of an institution that engages in brokerage, banking, investment or financial activities.
- You or your business entity holds any form of membership at any of the CME Group Designated Contract Markets ("DCM") or any other Exchange.
Warning: Do NOT engage in any trading activity with money you cannot afford to lose. Day trading can be extremely risky and offers no guarantee for success. You should not fund day-trading activities with retirement savings, student loans, second mortgages, emergency funds, funds set aside for purposes such as education or home ownership, or funds required to meet your living expenses.
If you engage in day trading activities, set a budget and do not spend beyond your set budget.