It is important to download and use OUR (Leeloo) version of RTrader Pro because we included helpful settings. If you already had RTrader Pro before joining Leeloo, please delete and download ours.
Our RTrader pro template has specific Leeloo icons with a pink star. Always use those for your Leeloo Trader Dashboard, Leeloo Order History, and Leeloo Recent Orders. They display your trailing drawdown threshold (ALTV) next to your Account Balance, and important columns you need when
diagnosing trade issues via Order History.
Example. Use Leeloo Recent Orders to look up trades taken during the CURRENT market day. Any previous days, use Leeloo Order History. Our template (pink star) includes important columns such as:
ORIGINATOR USER ID- this reveals WHO took the trade. Where did this trade originate. If it is trader's User ID, then it came from your computer. If it says Natural Trading, then it may be a trade that was liquidated by Leeloo.
REMARKS - check this field for info- why was the trade rejected?
ACCOUNT BALANCE - this value is confusing for traders as it reveals your Account Balance AT THE TIME THE ORDER OPENS. It is not your Account Balance from the result of that order.
Using our Leeloo Icons will display the columns you need. But you may need to adjust the width of the columns to see all the info. (like Remarks).
Adjust column width- hover your mouse over the column headers until you see a black divider icon. Left click and HOLD as you drag the column divider left or right to expand.